Important update to requesting repeat medication via your pharmacy

Dear Patient,

From 5th November 2018, Pharmacies will no longer be able to order repeat medication on your behalf.

You will therefore need to order your medication directly from your GP surgery in one of the following ways:

  • 1. Using your SystmOnline account
  • 2. Using our Repeat Prescription Request page
  • 3. Sending your request via post (please note that this will increase the time to prepare your order)
  • 4. Requesting your medication in person, either at the reception desks or by dropping a request in one of our prescription boxes

Exemptions can be made for certain vulnerable patients. If you feel that you are particularly vulnerable and will not be able to order your medication via one of the above routes, please speak to a member of our team or download our exemption application form and return the completed form to us.

Please note that the GPs will consider each application on an individual patient basis and cannot guarantee that all applications will be accepted.